Volunteer as a Chaplain for First Responders’ Bridge

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with First Responders’ Bridge as a chaplain. Please read this page carefully before submitting an application so you understand what the expectations and responsibilities are of a chaplain with The Bridge.

Mission Statement

To share the love and compassion of Jesus Christ with our first responder family while taking them from hurting to healing through a ministry of presence.

Theme Verse

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. (2 Corinthians 1:3)

Job Qualifications

  • Have chaplain and/or ministerial certification through a recognized Christian organization
  • Be actively serving as a chaplain for a first responder organization, or a ministerially certified active or retired first responder, or the spouse of a first responder.
  • Adhere to Biblical standards and demonstrate integrity of conduct at all times.
  • Display an outgoing personality, with good social and verbal communication skills.
  • Have a humble and teachable spirit.
  • Obtain individual and Group certification through the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF), which is preferred. If not certified, agree to complete certification within one year of appointment, at your own expense.
  • Be willing to work no less than one retreat per year.
  • Be able to provide one’s own transportation to and from the retreat.
  • Adhere to the strictest of confidentiality.
  • Be willing to submit to a background check, or provide proof that one has been completed within the past 12 months.

Job Duties

  • Provide pastoral care to all in attendance of the retreats, including hotel staff and guests.
  • Work in cooperation with, and in support of other chaplains and First Responders Bridge staff.
  • Complete and submit all paperwork, as required by the lead chaplain.
  • When “counseling” those in attendance:
  • Be observant – Look for those exhibiting signs of distress, and check on them.
  • Be quick to listen, and slow to speak. To simply listen is to honor that person’s worth and is one of the most significant acts you can render to demonstrate compassion.
  • Focus all attention on the person you are meeting with.
  • Confidentiality is paramount. We must not betray the trust of those who have been vulnerable to us.
  • Seek Professional help if the person is in crisis, a threat to themselves or others. Clinicians are on site. Call 911 if it is urgent.
  • Be wise. Counsel members of the same sex only. If not possible, seek another chaplain or peer counselor to assist.
  • Pray – if they are open to prayer.
  • Share the gospel, only if the person indicates they are open to it. While we want everyone to know about Jesus, it may not be the appropriate time. Not everyone is in the right state of mind to hear it, especially those in crisis.
  • Follow-up conversations (post retreat) may be arranged with attendees of the same sex, if they are open to it. Inform the Lead Chaplain when ongoing post-retreat conversations continue.
  • Wear a FRB Chaplain shirt, and credentials at all times.

What the application process looks like

  1. Submit completed application (the below form)
  2. Submit training certificates
  3. Submit a letter of reference from one’s supervisor (if an active first responder chaplain)
  4. Submit a letter of endorsement from a clergy member at your home church
  5. Submit a letter of endorsement from a peer chaplain/minister
  6. Submit a completed background check


Chaplain Application Form

Your Information

Ministerial Status

ICISF Certification

First Responder Organization

If you currently serve or served as a chaplain for a first responder organization, please provide that information below.

Home Church

Employment History (Past 10 Years)

Please upload a document containing the following information for the past 10 years of employment:
Dates of Employment
Name and contact info of your supervisor

Why You Want to Serve

Personal Testimony

Statement of Faith

Click here to read the First Responders' Bridge Statement of Faith